[ITool] 0=Toolbar 1=Cut 2=Copy 3=Paste 4=Snapshot 5=Demo [IPage] 0=Register 1=Data Input 2=Results 3=Results 4=Graphics 5=Table of values [IDatei] 0=&File 10=Open 11=Data Files 12=All Files 13=Comma separated 20=Save 21=Overwrite INI File 30=Close -1=File Commands -10=Loads existing work sheet -20=Saves actual work sheet [IPrint] 0=Print 1=Printer setup [IOpt] 0=Options 1=Language 2=Layout 3=Fonts 4=Directories 5=German 6=English 7=French 8=Size 9=Multiple Documents 10=Full Screen 11=Captions 12=Comments 13=Greek 14=Results 15=Options 16=Messages 17=Default 18=Accessories 19=Data 20=Local Installation 21=Portable Installation 22=Options successfully saved [IReg] 0=Registration 1=MatheAss is shareware (check-before-buy software), that is: 2=You can try the program for free. 3=If you want to continue using the program afterwards, you have to register. 4=You will find more information on this in the help file under 5=Test 6=Program test can start in 7=seconds. 8=After paying the registration fee you will receive your personal serial number. Please enter this here to change the Shareware into the full version without the waiting loop. 9=Name 10=Adress 11=Serial no. 12=Registration successfully completed. 13=Serial number does not match the address. 14=Version 15=https://eng.matheass.eu/reg1.html#PayPal 16=Pay Now 17=The file MA90.KEY could not be written. 18=To enter the serial number, start the program with the right mouse button and run it as administrator. [IRegGeb] 0=Registration fee 1=The registration fee amounts : 2=for private users 3=for schools, companies and other institutions 4=Payable to: 5=GERMANY 9=by PayPal on 10=https://eng.matheass.eu/reg1.html [IQuit] 0=Quit 1=Do you want to quit MatheAss? 2=Please Confirm 3=Cancel [IAlg] 0=&Algebra -1=Problems of Algebra [IPrim] 0=Prime numbers 1=All prime numbers between two natural numbers a and b or the prime numbers no. a to no. b are determined. 2=between a and b 3=prime number 4=between 5=and 6=from no. 7=to no. -1=Prime numbers between two given numbers [IPrimtup] 0=Prime k-tuples 1=All twin primes, cousin prims, sexy primes and prime tripletsbetween two natural numbers a and b are determined,. 2=lower limit 3=upper limit 4=Twin primes 5=Cousin primes 6=Sexy primes 7=Prime triplets 8=between 9=and 10=1 pair of 11=pairs of 12=1 tuple of 13=tuples of 14=of the form -1=Twin prims, cousin primes, sexy primes and prime triplets [IPrfz] 0=Prime Factorization 1=To one or more natural numbers, less than 10^14, its prime factorization is determined. 3=prime 10=Factorizing 11=a single number n 12=an interval [n1; n2]; 13=a sequence ( a [ i ]) -1=Factorization of a natural number [IggT] 0=G.C.F. and L.C.M. 1=The greatest common factor (GCD) the least common multiple (LCM) and the sets of divisors of up to 10 numbers are calculated. 2=GCF 3=LCM 4=Greatest common factor 5=Least common multiple 6=Sets of divisors 7=Sum of divisors 8=perfect number -1=GCD and LCM of two natural numbers [IProz] 0=Percentage Calculation 1=Base value, percentage value, percentage p or p%, growth factor and final value are calculated if two independent ones are entered. 2=Base value 3=Percentage value 4=Percentage 5=Growth factor 6=Final value [IDez2Br] 0=Decimals to Fractions 1=Repeating or terminating decimals are converted to fractions. 2=Non-periodical part 3=Period -1=Transformation of Decimals to Fractions [IBr2Dez] 0=Fractions to Decimals 1=Fractions are converted in terminating or repeating decimals and the period and its length are determined. 2=Numerator 3=Denominator 4=Repeating from the 5=th decimal digit. 6=The length of the period is 7=digits. 8=Terminating decimal 9=After 1000 decimals no period detected. -1=Transformation of Fractions to Decimals [IBino] 0=Binomials of n-th Degree 1=The program calculates the binomial 2=with 1 < n < 500. -1=Expanding Binomials of n-th Degree [IGlei4] 0=Equations of 4-th Degree 1=The solutions of the following equation are calculated 2=Append solutions -1=Solutions of an Equation of 4-th Degree [IDio] 0=Diophantine Equations 1=The integer solutions of the following equation are calculated 2=integer -1=Integer solutions of a linear equation [IPyth] 0=Pythagorean Triples 1=The Pythagorean triples between two bounds are calculated. 2=Lower bound 3=Upper bound -1=Three numbers which fit the Pythagorean theorem [] [ISysteme] 0=Calculation in place value systems 1=Base 2=Error 3=Overflow -1=Calculator [IBruch] 0=Calculation with fractions 2=Error 3=Overflow -1=Calculator [IComplex] 0=Calculation with complex numbers 2=Error 3=Overflow -1=Calculator [IBigInt] 0=Calculating with large integers 1=Calculations with integers with a maximum of 10000 digits. 2=error 3=overflow 4=remainder -1=Calculating with large integers [IWinCalc] 0=Execute Windows Calc [IGeo] 0=&Geometry -1=Problems of Geometry [IDrei] 0=Triangle 1=Vertices 2=Sides 3=Angles 4=Altitudes 5=Medians 6=Angle bisectors 7=Circumcircle 8=Incircle 9=Area 10=Perimeter 11=Intersection 12=Perpendicular bisec. 13=Medians 14=Angle bisectors 15=Altitudes 16=Incircle 17=Circumcircle 18=Excircles 19=Circumcenter 20=Incenter 21=Orthocenter 22=Centroid 23=Perp. feet [IDrei1] 0=Right-angled Triangles 1=Given two of the elements of a right-angled triangle the others are calculated. 2=Cathetus 3=Catheti 4=Hypotenuse 5=Angle 6=Hypot. segment 7=Altitude 8=Area -1=Elements of right-angled Triangles [IDrei2] 0=Triangles by three Elements 1=Given three elements of any triangle the program calculates the sides, altitudes, medians, bisectrices, circumcircle, incircle, perimeter and area. 2=1st solution 3=2nd solution 4=no 2nd solution -1=Elements of Triangles given by three Elements [IDrei3] 0=Triangles by three Points 1=Given three vertices of a triangle all elements are calculated. -1=Elements of Triangles given by three Points [IBesGer] 0=Special lines in a triangle 1=The equations of the perpendicular bisectors, medians, angle bisector and altitudes of a triangle are determined, as well as their intersections. 13=To be drawn: -1=Special straight lines in a triangle; [IPoly1] 0=Regular Polygons 1=Given one of the following elements of a polygon with n vertices, the others are calculated. 2=Side a 3=Circumcircle rc 4=Incircle ri 5=Perimeter p 6=Area A 7=Vertices n -1=Elements of regular Polygons [IPoly2] 0=Arbitrary Polygons 1=Area, perimeter and centroid of a polygon are calculated. 2=Vertices 3=Area A 4=Perimeter p 5=Centroid of vertices 6=CV 7=Centroid of area 8=CA 11=Convex polygon 12=Concave polygon 13=Self-intersecting polygon 14=Cyclic polygon 15=Tangential polygon -1=Elements of Polygons given by their Vertices [IAbb] 0=Mappings of Polygons 100=Polygon 101=Enter the polygon which you want to map and define the maps. 200=Mappings 201=Replace 202=Copy 203=Cut 204=Add 205=Construction lines 210=Translation 211=Translation vector 220=Axial symmetry 221=Axis of symmetry 230=Point symmetry 231=Centre of symmetry 240=Rotation 241=Centre of rotation 242=Angle of rotation 250=Homothety 251=Centre of stretching 252=Factor of stretching 260=Shear transformation 261=Shear axis 262=Shear angle 300=Mapped points 301=Original polygon 400=Graphics -1=Vertices of mapped Polygons [IKreis] 0=Circular Sections 1=Given two of the following elements of a circular section the others are calculated. 2=Radius r 3=Angle 4=Arc b 5=Chord s 6=Section A1 7=Segment A2 8=Area A 9=Perimeter p 10=Distance d 11=Arrow height h [ITang] 0=Tangents to circles 1=The following tangente lines are calculated 2=The tangent to a circle k at a point P 3=The tangents to a circle k through a point P outside the circle 4=The tangents to a circle k parallel to a straight line g 5=The tangents to two circles k1 and k2 6=Polar 7=P lies within k 8=k2 is entirely in k1 9=Perpendicular line 10=Points of contact 11=Tangent to k in P 12=Tangents to k through P 13=Tangents on k parallel to g 14=Tangents to k1 and k2 15=Outer tangents 16=Inner tangents [IKoSys] 0=Coordinate Systems 1=Transformation between Cartesian coordinates, polar coordinates and cylindrical coordinates. 2=Coordinates 3=Cartesian 4=polar 5=cylindrical [IPlaton] 0=Platonic Solids [ITetra] 0=The Tetrahedron 1=Given one of the following elements of a tetrahedron then the others are calculated. 2=Edge a 3=Apothem h1 4=Altitude h2 5=Circumradius rc 6=Inradius ri 7=Volume V 8=Surface S [IHexa] 0=The Hexahedron 1=Given one of the following elements of a hexahedron then the others are calculated. 2=Edge a 3=Face Diagonal d1 4=Body Diagonal d2 5=Circumradius rc 6=Inradius ri 7=Volume V 8=Surface S [IOkta] 0=The Octahedron 1=Given one of the following elements of an octahedron then the others are calculated. 2=Edge a 3=Apothem h1 4=Altitude h2 5=Circumradius rc 6=Inradius ri 7=Volume V 8=Surface S [IDodeka] 0=The Dodecahedron 1=Given one of the following elements of a dodecahedron then the others are calculated. 2=Edge a 3=Face Diagonal d 4=Face Altitude h 5=Circumradius rc 6=Inradius ri 7=Volume V 8=Surface S [IIkosa] 0=The Icosahedron 1=Given one of the following elements of an icosahedron then the others are calculated. 2=Edge a 3=Apothem h1 4=Altitude h2 5=Circumradius rc 6=Inradius ri 7=Volume V 8=Surface S [IKoerp] 0=Other Solids [IPrisma] 0=The regular Prism 1=Given two of the following elements of a regular prism the others are calculated. 2=Edge a 3=Altitude h 4=Circumradius rc 5=Inradius ri 6=Volume V 7=Base B 8=Surface S 9=Vertices n [IZyl] 0=The right circular Cylinder 1=Given two of the following elements of a right circular cylinder the others will be calculated. 2=Radius r 3=Altitude h 4=Perimeter p 5=Volume V 6=Base B 7=Lateral Surface L 8=Surface S [IPyra] 0=The square Pyramid 1=Given two of the following elements of a square pyramid the others are calculated. 2=Edge a 3=Lateral edge s 4=Altitude h1 5=Apothem h2 6=Volume V 7=Surface S 8=Face A [IKegel] 0=The right circular Cone 1=Given two of the following elements of a right circular Cone the others are calculated. 2=Radius r 3=Altitude h 4=Apothem s 5=Volume V 6=Lateral Surface L 7=Base B 8=Surface S [IKugel1] 0=The Sphere 1=Given one of the first five elements of a sphere the others are calculated. 2=Radius r 3=Diameter d 4=Perimeter p 5=Surface S 6=Volume V 7=Parallel circle 8=a 9=Radius r' 10=Perimeter u' [IGetAB] 0=Enter a line 1=Line through the points A and B [IGetABC] 0=Enter a plane 1=Plane through the points A, B and C [IGetVGl] 0=Enter a plane 1=Vector equation of the plane [IGerade] 0=Line through two Points 1=Two points determine a straight line. Its equation is formed and its position to the co-ordinate planes is analyzed. 2=Line through 3=Parametric representation 4=Position to the xy plane 5=Position to the yz plane 6=Position to the xz plane 7=Orthogonal projection 8=Point of intersection 9=Angle of intersection 10=Distance from origin [IEbene] 0=Plane through three Points 1=Three non-collinear points determine a plane. The equation of this plane is formed. 2=Plane through the points 3=Point-slope-form 4=Equation in coordinates 5=Distance from origin 6=Trace points [IKugel2] 0=Sphere through four Points 1=Four non-coplanar points determine a sphere. The equation of this sphere is formed. 2=Sphere through the points 3=Normal form 4=Center and radius [IX2d] 0=Intersections in the Plane [IXGer2d] 0=Intersection of two Lines (2D) 1=Given two lines, the program calculates the intersection point, the intersection angle and their distances from origin. 2=Intersection point of g and h 3=Intersection angle of g and h 4=Distances from origin 5=g by 2 pts 6=h by 2 pts 7=g and h are parallel 8=g and h are identical [IXGerKr] 0=Intersection of Circle and Line 1=The program determines the intersection points of a circle and a line. 2=g by 2 pts. 3=Circle and line 5=Intersection points 6=Length of the chord 7=Point of tangency 8=Non-intersecting circle and line [IXKreis] 0=Intersection of two Circles 1=The program determines the intersection points of two circles and the connecting line. 2=Given are the circles 3=Intersection points 4=Connecting line 5=Point of tangency 6=Tangent line 7=Non-intersecting circles [IX3d] 0=Intersections in the Space [IXGer3d] 0=Intersection of two Lines (3D) 1=Given two lines, the program calculates the intersection point, the intersection angle and their distances from origin. 2=g by 2 pts 3=h by 2 pts 4=Intersection point of g and h 5=Intersection angle of g and h 6=Identical lines 7=Parallel lines 8=Skew lines 9=Distance 10=Common perpendicular feet 11=Distances from origin [IXGerEb] 0=Intersection of Plane and Line 1=Given a plane and a line the program calculates the intersection point and the intersection angle. 2=E vectorial 3=E by 3 points 4=g by 2 points 5=Plane E : 6=Line g : 7=Intersection point : 8=Intersection angle : 9=Plane and line are parallel 10=The line lies in the plane [IXEbene] 0=Intersection of two Planes 1=Given two planes the program determines the intersection line, the distance from the origin and the intersection angle. 2=Given the two planes: 3=Intersection line: 4=Distance from origin: 5=Intersection angle: 6=by 3 pts. 7=vect. equ. 9=Parallel planes [IXGerK] 0=Inters. of Sphere and Line 1=The program determines the intersection points of a sphere and a line. 2=by 2 pts. 3=Sphere : 4=Line : 5=Intersection points : 6=Length of the chord : 7=Point of tangency : [IXEbKu] 0=Inters. of Sphere and Plane 1=The program determines the intersection circle of a plane and a sphere with center M and radius r . 2=Plane : 3=Sphere: 4=Intersection circle : 11=by 3 pts. 12=vect. equ. [IXKugel] 0=Intersection of two Spheres 1=Given two spheres the program determines the intersection circle and the intersection plane. 2=Given the two spheres: 3=Intersection circle: 4=Intersection plane : [IAbstand] 0=Distances [IAbstPP] 0=Distance between two Points 1=The program calculates the distance between two points A and B 2=Distance between A and B : [IAbstPG] 0=Distance between Point and Line 1=The program calculates the distance between a point and a line 2=Distance between P and g : 3=g bye 2 pts [IAbstPE] 0=Distance between Point and Plane 1=The program calculates the distance between a point and a plane 2=Distance between P and E : [IAbstGG] 0=Distance between two Lines [IAbstGE] 0=Distance between Line and Plane [IAbstEE] 0=Distance between two Planes [IAbstGPS] 0=Distances on the sphere 1=The distance between two points on a sphere is calculated 2=Radius of the sphere 3=Longitude 4=Latitude 5=1. Point 6=2. Point 7=GPS decimal 8=GPS dms 9=Polar coordinates 10=Cartesian coordinates 11=Position vectors 12=Distance [IAna] 0=A&nalysis [IFolgen] 0=Sequences and Series 1=The program determines the first n terms of a sequence and of the associated serie (sum of the terms of the sequence) if the first members of the sequence and a function or a regression rule are given. 2=Sequence 3=Serie 4=numbered [IPolDiv] 0=Division of Polynomials 1=The program calculates the product and the quotient of two polynomials. 2=Polynomial 3=Product 4=Quotient 5=Remainder 6=Decimal coeff. [IPolFak] 0=Factorizing Polynomials 1=The rational zeros and the decomposition of a polynomial in linear factors are determined 2=Rational zeros 3=No rational zeros 4=Irrational zeros [IPolTrans] 0=Transforming Polynomials 1=A polynomial p(x) can be shifted or be strechted in x-direction and y-direction. 2=Shifted by 3=Stretched by [IPolyggT] 0=Polynomial GCF and LCM 1=The greatest common factor (GCF) and the least common multiple (LCM) of two polynomials are determined. . 2=Polynomial 3=Further common factors are possible !! -1=GCF and lcm of two polynomials [IFPlot1] 0=Function Plotter 1=Determine the functions of which the corresponding curves should be drawn. 2=Functions 3=Graphics 4=Angle mode [IFPlot2] 0=Piecewise Functions 1=Plotter for functions defined on a sequence of intervals by sub-functions ƒ1 to ƒ9. 2=Function 3=Graphic 4=from 5=to 6=Show boundary points 7=Angle mode [IFPlot3] 0=Parametric Curves 1=Plotter for functions in parametric representation. 2=Function 3=Graphic 21=Parameter k from : 22=to [ISchar] 0=Family of Curves 1=Plotter for a family of curves with parameter k. 2=Function 21=k out of { 22=or k from : 23=to 24=step [IPolFkt] 0=Calculus of Polinomial Functions 1=The derivatives and the antiderivative of a polinomial function are determined. In addition the function is examined for zeros, extremes and inflection points. 2=Integral 20=Derivatives : 21=Antiderivative 31=Zeros : 32=Extremes : 33=Inflection points 34=No rational zeros 35=No extremes 36=No inflection points 40=Further search graphically with 41=None found 42=Axial symmetric to 43=Cetntrally symmetric to 44=Symmetry [IRatFkt] 0=Calculus of Rational Functions 1=From a rational functionƒ(x) the derivatives were determined. In addition, the function is examined for singularities, zeros, extremes and inflection points. 20=Derivatives 21=Continuous replacement 31=Zeros 32=Extrema 33=Inflection points 34=No zeros 35=No extremes 36=No inflection points 40=Further search graphically with 41=None found 42=Axial symmetric to 43=Centrally symmetric to 44=Symmetry 60=Singularities 61=Eliminable Gap 62=Pole with change of sign 63=Pole without change of sign 70=Behavior for 71=Horizontal Asymptote 72=Oblique Asymptote 73=Curvilinear Asymptote [IKudis] 0=Calculus of Arbitrary Functions 1=Function 2=Discussion 3=Graph 4=Table of values 11=Examination of an arbitrary function. Zeros, extremes and inflection points are determined. 12=Examination in the range from 13=to 14=Accuracy 15=Angle mode 16=raw 17=median 18=fine 19=very fine 20=Derivatives 21=Draw 31=Zeros 32=Extremes 33=Inflection points 34=No zeros 35=No extremes 36=No inflection points 37=Calculating values ... 38=Looking for reversals of sign ... 39=Verify if points are in the domain of definition. [IIter] 0=Newton-Iteration 1=Approximation of zeros of ƒ(x) by Newton's method with first guess xₒ. [IReihen] 0=Series Expansion 1=Plotter for functions given as a series over ƒ(x,k). You may develop the function with different parameter ranges and different y-offset. 11=k from 12=to 13=with offset dy = [IInteg] 0=Integral Calculus 1=The integral is calculated over ƒ1-ƒ2 within the limits from a to b. If required, the arc lengths in the interval [a; b] as well as the torques and rotation volumes when rotating around the x or y axis can be calculated. 2=Limits of integration from 3=to 4=oriented content 5=absolute content 6=Twisting moments 7=Solids of revolution 8=Centroid 9=Arc lengths [IPlot3d] 0=Area Functions 1=Plotter for an area function ƒ(x,y), which may contain a sub term u. 2=ƒ(x,y) = 3=u(x,y) = 4=x-range from 5=y-range from 6=z-range from 7=to 8=Number of lines : 9=symmetric 10=adjust 11=color [ISto] 0=&Stochastic [IStat] 0=Statistics 1=Mean, median, standard deviation and variance of a sample and the corresponding histogram is calculated. 2=Allowed delimiters are ; \ and spaces. 3=Class length 4=Color 20=Dates: 21=Number of dates 22=Maximum 23=Minimum 24=Mean 25=Median 26=Variance 27=Standard deviation 31=Class length for histogram [IRegr] 0=Regression 1=The regression curve to fit a sample of points is calculated. You can choose between the following types of regression and can if necessary shift or stretch all points in x- or y-direction. 11=Proportional regression 12=Linear regression 13=Geometrical regression 14=Exponential regression 15=Logarithmic regression 16=Polynom regression 31=Type of regression : 32=Displacement 33=Stretching 34=Coeff.of determin. 35=Correlation coeff. 36=Standard deviation 37=Inverse function 38=Values 41=from 42=to 43=step 44=Calculate [IVerhulst] 0=Logistic regression 1=For a given saturation limit S the program determines the initial value ƒ(0) and the proportionality factor k for an adjustment of the function on the given pairs of values 2=Saturation limit 3=Data from 4=Inflection point 5=Maximum growth rate 6=Dark figure 7=Round results 8=1st date 9=Date 10=In logistical growth, the growth rate is proportional to the stock and the saturation deficit 11=From this follows the differential equation: 12=with the solution: [IKombi] 0=Combinatorial Analysis 1=The number of arrangements and combinations of k out of n elements are calculated. 2=Arrangements without repetit. 3=Arrangements with repetitions 4=Combinations without repetit. 5=Combinations with repetitions 6=Permutations of k [IBinVer] 0=Binomial Distribution 1=For a b(k;n;p) distributed random variable X with fixed n and p you receive 2=- a histogram of the probabilities P( X = k ) 3=- a table of their values from k-min to k-max 4=- the probability P( k-min <= X <= k-max) [IHypVer] 0=Hyper geometric Distr. 1=For a h(k,n,m,r) distributed random variable X with fixed n, m and r you receive 2=- a histogram of the probabilities P( X = k ) 3=- a table of their values from k-min to k-max 4=- the probability P( k-min ó X ó k-max) 5=Sample of n out of m with r hits. Verify that r 2^32 34=No integer solution 35=0^0 not defined 36=Identical spheres 37=universally valid 38=No files found 39=Improper interval 40=No help available 41=divergent 42=not defined 43=Syntax error 44=overflow 45=No text is highlighted 46=No text can be insert here 47=No program window is opened 48=No graphics window is opened 49=For this feature, please run the program as administrator. 50=Attention 51=The lines are identical 52=The circles are identical 53=Canceled 54=End 55=Replace sqr(x) with x^2