Right-angled Triangles
A right-angled triangle is usually well defined by two properties and the right angle. The program will ask you are asked to choose two of the following elements and then to enter their values:
- Catheti a and b
- Hypotenuse c
- Angles α and β
- Hypotenuse segments p and q
- Altitude h
- Area A

If you enter the values of two out of these nine properties the program computes the others.
Example 1:
Given: ¯¯¯¯¯¯ Cathete a = 3 Hypotenuse c = 5 Results : ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Cathete b = 4 Angle α = 36,869898° Angle β = 53,130102° Hypot. segment p = 1,8 Hypot. segment q = 3,2 Altitude h = 2,4 Area A = 6
Example 2:
Given: ¯¯¯¯¯¯ Hypot. segment p = 1,8 Area A = 6 Results : ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Cathete a = 3 Cathete b = 4 Hypotenuse c = 5 Angle α = 36,869898° Angle β = 53,130102° Hypot. segment q = 3,2 Altitude h = 2,4