MatheAss 9.0Geometry 3D

Line throught two Points

Two points determine a straight line. Its equation is formed and its position to the co-ordinate planes is analysed.


Line through  A(1|1|1), B(2|5|6)

Parametric representation
  ->  ⎧ 1 ⎫     ⎧ 1 ⎫
  x = ⎪ 1 ⎪ + t·⎪ 4 ⎪
      ⎩ 1 ⎭     ⎩ 5 ⎭

Distance from origin
  d = 0,78679579

Position to the xy plane
 Orthogonal projection:  4·x - y = 3
 Point of intersection:  S1(0,8|0,2|0)
 Angle of intersection:  50,490288°

Position to the yz plane
 Orthogonal projection:  5·y - 4·z = 1
 Point of intersection:  S2(0|-3|-4)
 Angle of intersection:  8,8763951°

Position to the xz plane
 Orthogonal projection:  5·x - z = 4
 Point of intersection:  S3(0,75|0|-0,25)
 Angle of intersection:  38,112927°
